Resistance of PrPSc of caprine (ZG01) and ovine BSE (486) isolates as well as two Cypriot caprine scrapie isolates (ZYP13, ZYP21) after digestion with proteinase K over 1, 6, 24 and 48?h and visualization in the Western blot using antibody L42
Resistance of PrPSc of caprine (ZG01) and ovine BSE (486) isolates as well as two Cypriot caprine scrapie isolates (ZYP13, ZYP21) after digestion with proteinase K over 1, 6, 24 and 48?h and visualization in the Western blot using antibody L42. Open in a separate window Figure?5 Diagram showing PK Timegadine resistance of PrP Sc…